March 2024 the studio relocated to Englewood, Colorado which is just a few miles south of downtown Denver. I'm usually here during regular hours, but there will be days I'm in the middle of printing posters or teaching, so it's good to call ahead or email to schedule an appointment to guarantee availability.
Parking: the studio is part of the Chenango Shoppets, a 1960's brick building located at the NE corner of Chenango and Acoma. Easiest to turn west off Broadway onto Chenango. At the end of that first block, but before the stop sign at Acoma, turn right into the parking lot. Studio is in the middle just to the left of the laundromat. Remember, it's what's on the inside that counts.
Regular Hours Monday–Friday, 10AM-5PM / Closed Weekends & Holidays
Address 4880 S Acoma Street, Englewood CO 80110 / Contact (303) 321-7101 or